就在今天,我們很榮幸地跟各位分享,Ultra Hoodie 這項產品,以及與其搭配的 M-System 模組化系統——正式獲得美國專利局授予的設計專利!這項成就象徵 TRANZEND 的重要里程碑之一,無疑是一劑給予團隊的強心針,同時也是肯定我們致力於創造科技紳裝——融合時尚和功能的前衛服飾的承諾。
Ultra Hoodie 2.0 模組化連帽外套 2.0有型的同時具有全防水機能,兼具透氣閥、多口袋、M-System Pack 隨身包 2.0等功能性,實現一件抵多件的永續理念。
The Ultra Hoodie modular hooded jacket won the recognition of the Taiwan Excellence Award in 2023. While winning the award, we did not forget to continue to expand the ecosystem of the M-system series and will present more modular products to people in the future. Everyone. By the way, in the last 5 days to pre-order this series, product discounts start at 55% off. Friends who are waiting, don’t miss this opportunity!
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I’ve kept you guys waiting for a long time! The Ultra Hoodie, the most powerful modular hooded jacket on the planet that everyone has been talking about for a long time, has been opened for pre-order on the official website, and comes with a professional unboxing test by the DayMixer prototype maker. For those of you who missed it during the Kickstarter project, don’t miss it this time. Another opportunity to miss~
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Today is the 45th day since the launch of Ultra Hoodie. The project will end in less than one day. Please take advantage of the 30% off fundraising discount. I hope you will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.