
Ultra Tee 2.0 職人訪談 x Mosun | 獨特見解的音樂人
藝人、知名歌手背後不可或缺的製作人,也許你知道他的名字「Mosun」。Mosun 有著獨特嗓門音色,也有著對音樂獨特的思維見解,透過不斷吸取經驗完成一首首極具個人特色的歌曲,TRANZEND 很開心可以邀請到 Mosun 來體驗全新進化的 Ultra Tee 2.0,在他的音色維度空間中,不僅聽聽他搶先與我們分享的音樂創作,也聽聽他對於 Ultra Tee 2.0 的著用回饋。
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Ultra Suit 3.0 Staff Interview x Shawn Sun | Fashion Style of Emerging Photographers
Shawn, who comes from an art background, majored in architectural design in college and taught himself photography. He combines artistic elements to create works full of light, shadow and emotion. Shawn, who often shoots brand interviews or collaborates with artists, believes that wearing a suit can give people a decent and spiritual feeling, not only for his own image, but also to maintain a good teamwork atmosphere. Let’s watch Shawn’s full interview video below.
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Ultra Suit 3.0 Staff Interview x Dr.Woo | Smiling is an essential element for building self-confidence
Have you ever heard of an aesthetic dentist? The Dr. Woo invited for today's interview is an aesthetic dentist. His main job is to beautify the smiles and appearance of his customers, making them more confident and beautiful. She usually wears a white robe, but her dressing style after work also fully demonstrates her ability and neatness; after work, she still maintains a confident and flattering smile at all times. Let’s watch Dr.Woo’s Ultra Suit 3.0 craftsman interview video below.
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