

隨著寒假的到來,小編看著社群媒體上滿滿的滑雪動態、貼文,真的好生羨慕!全境溫控系列上架後,我們其實認識了許多的新朋友,都是在認識 TRANZEND 的 Ultra Jacket, Ultra Coat 2.0 後,很期望穿著我們的外套搭配主動式加熱系統去嘗試看看滑雪運動。相信各位在前幾篇的文章中也有看到,小編我其實也是滑雪運動的一張白紙,最困擾的就是在雪場一不小心穿太多!



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Ultra Jacket 職人訪談 x Carrie|感受滑雪的自由自在

隨著全境溫控系列的最新產品「Ultra Jacket」的問世,馬上就收到了正面的回饋,許多觀眾自去年起即敲碗敲了將近一年。而正是為了符合各位一年以來的期待,TRANZEND 今年邀請到了兩位臺灣重量級的滑雪界天花板人物,其中一位是 Snowman 滑雪學校的創辦人:Carrie。

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Ultra Coat functional fabric is revealed, is it the key?
In the last issue, I shared with you "the most powerful item in winter", how to keep out the cold while also having other functional features and maintaining a sense of fashion. That's right! This issue directly deciphers the most important core role of the "Ultra Coat Temperature Control Raincoat". How is its excellent functionality created? (Key role: The editor reminds that it is a plant, and You can see it almost every day in life)
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