
「超零阻空力西裝」什麼時候穿?Ultra Suit AERO 全穿著情境

隨著 Ultra Suit AERO「超零阻空力西裝」在早鳥預購階段熱烈進行中,許多人問小編:Ultra Suit AERO 這麼輕、這麼薄,穿起來會不會不夠正式?可以穿去上班嗎?如果這件西裝真的這麼有彈性且透氣,我真的可以穿去運動嗎?答案是:當然可以!任何場合都適合穿!


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Still wearing a shirt at 30℃ "Aren't you hot?" I'll teach you which fabrics to choose without fear
It’s not May yet and the high temperature has exceeded 30℃. Apart from walking around in a pair of underwear at home, the most I can accept when going out is short T-shirts. However, there will always be some people, whether it is for work or style, they will Wearing long-sleeved shirts in the summer, when you see these people, do you also have a question in your mind, "Aren't you hot?" Today I will tell you the importance of shirt materials and which fabrics to choose that are not afraid of heat!
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