不會滑雪的攝影師 / 小編,硬著頭皮跟著 Carrie & Perry 上山,不畏生命危險邊學滑雪邊拍攝之餘,也跟兩位 Youtubers 成為了很好的朋友。你以為社群媒體上貼文亮麗的背後都很開心嗎?就讓我們一起來看看這趟旅程背後的有趣幕後花絮吧
另一位臺灣的滑雪界天花板人物:Perry 叔叔,是我們 Ultra Jacket 第二位體驗者,早已是 TRANZEND 品牌好友的叔叔表示:夾克的剪裁讓叔叔滑雪測試起來是更加得心應手!緊接著就讓我們一起來看看叔叔是怎麼說。
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隨著全境溫控系列的最新產品「Ultra Jacket」的問世,馬上就收到了正面的回饋,許多觀眾自去年起即敲碗敲了將近一年。而正是為了符合各位一年以來的期待,TRANZEND 今年邀請到了兩位臺灣重量級的滑雪界天花板人物,其中一位是 Snowman 滑雪學校的創辦人:Carrie。
In the last issue, I shared with you "the most powerful item in winter", how to keep out the cold while also having other functional features and maintaining a sense of fashion. That's right! This issue directly deciphers the most important core role of the "Ultra Coat Temperature Control Raincoat". How is its excellent functionality created? (Key role: The editor reminds that it is a plant, and You can see it almost every day in life)
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Taiwan has a humid and cold climate in winter. When encountering cold air, the sensible temperature is even scarier. The indoor and outdoor temperatures often differ by more than ten degrees. Faced with such waves of cold air masses coming one after another, there are also the upcoming cold air masses. During Christmas and New Year’s Eve events, how can we dress warmly without looking bloated? How can we dress stylishly to overcome all weather conditions?