Ultra Tee 2.0 經過升級,不僅耐磨性和舒適度有所增強,還增加了兩種新色選擇。親膚舒適外,依舊具有卓越的吸濕快乾特性,生活穿搭及日常著裝各種情境,都是完美新選擇
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The first Hybrid technology fabric | "Ultra Tee" created by the skin-friendly softness of Tencel and the top performance of coffee yarn is officially launched! During the pre-order period, the real photos and short videos of everyone banging the bowl are here~ In addition to watching, you now have the opportunity to get shopping credits and Ultra Tee for free. In two simple steps, you can instantly get $250 in shopping credits and a small turtleneck. Sleeve lottery qualification!
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