
Ultra Tee 2.0 職人訪談 x 芷薇 | 生活美學的內化藝術
每位設計師的背後,都有對個人品味的堅持。無論是設計作品上期望呈現給觀眾的細節、理念;又或是自身在生活模式選擇上的信念、觀察。TRANZEND 本次邀請到室內設計師──芷薇,來體驗 Ultra Tee 2.0 在日常生活中的穿著體現,同時一起聽聽該如何將對於空間美學的堅持,轉化成為個人風格的完美過程。
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Ultra Tee Comprehensive Review|Physical Store Exposure
Thanks to Mobile01 for its all-round practical review, from minimalist design, wearing experience, explanation of functional features to collar shape and product details, readers can fully understand all the information of Ultra Tee, and there is also a chance for a hidden version of the lottery at the end of the article Take Ultra Tee home directly. Friends who don’t know Ultra Tee yet should seize this opportunity to learn more about it!
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