隨著寒假的到來,小編看著社群媒體上滿滿的滑雪動態、貼文,真的好生羨慕!全境溫控系列上架後,我們其實認識了許多的新朋友,都是在認識 TRANZEND 的 Ultra Jacket, Ultra Coat 2.0 後,很期望穿著我們的外套搭配主動式加熱系統去嘗試看看滑雪運動。相信各位在前幾篇的文章中也有看到,小編我其實也是滑雪運動的一張白紙,最困擾的就是在雪場一不小心穿太多!
TRANZEND 團隊在今年度一起到了北海道二世谷來了一趟團隊建立之旅,首先讓我們鼓掌謝謝主理人乾爹(喂~
Starting from 2020, it has actually been nearly two years since I went abroad. I really want to go abroad! Seeing that vaccination coverage is becoming more and more popular, it seems that the day to go abroad is getting closer and closer. Why not take this time to prepare the anti-epidemic items for your next overseas trip? Play around the world with peace of mind!
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