即將於 2024/10/4 至 2024/10/7;每天的 10:00 至 18:00;在臺北南港展覽館一館盛大舉行的 TOS 臺灣戶外用品展,TRANZEND 團隊將在編號 1510 攤位與各位互動,為了本次的展覽,除了在攤位設計上別具心思,現場展示的系列產品當然也不會少,為得就是給參與的各位最完整的體驗。
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Ultra Tee 2.0 經過升級,不僅耐磨性和舒適度有所增強,還增加了兩種新色選擇。親膚舒適外,依舊具有卓越的吸濕快乾特性,生活穿搭及日常著裝各種情境,都是完美新選擇
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Thanks to Mobile01 for its all-round practical review, from minimalist design, wearing experience, explanation of functional features to collar shape and product details, readers can fully understand all the information of Ultra Tee, and there is also a chance for a hidden version of the lottery at the end of the article Take Ultra Tee home directly. Friends who don’t know Ultra Tee yet should seize this opportunity to learn more about it!
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