
TRANZEND 第一部 Vlog!幕後大公開
隨著品牌日漸成長,在影像製作的環節也越來越成熟、越來越得心應手,正因為如此,我們更積極想要跟大家分享我們在每個形象影片拍攝的背後,團隊是經歷了多少艱辛、歡笑,也藉著幕後花絮 Vlog 與各位分享團隊成員私底下不為人知的一面。
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Ultra Coat functional fabric is revealed, is it the key?
In the last issue, I shared with you "the most powerful item in winter", how to keep out the cold while also having other functional features and maintaining a sense of fashion. That's right! This issue directly deciphers the most important core role of the "Ultra Coat Temperature Control Raincoat". How is its excellent functionality created? (Key role: The editor reminds that it is a plant, and You can see it almost every day in life)
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"The most powerful item in winter", one piece is worth multiple pieces, to overcome all weather!

Taiwan has a humid and cold climate in winter. When encountering cold air, the sensible temperature is even scarier. The indoor and outdoor temperatures often differ by more than ten degrees. Faced with such waves of cold air masses coming one after another, there are also the upcoming cold air masses. During Christmas and New Year’s Eve events, how can we dress warmly without looking bloated? How can we dress stylishly to overcome all weather conditions?

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