
Ultra Jacket |全境溫控系列最新成員,靈活登場
上個冬季,TRANZEND 正式推出全新世代的 “Active Heating Series”  全境溫控系列。其中具備次世代主動式加熱系統的「Ultra Coat 2.0」及「Ultra Vest」,一時間創造不小的迴響,如果你認為我們會停下腳步,那你可能大錯特錯,聽見來自消費者最真實的回饋,我們今年向各位介紹全境溫控系列的最新家族成員:Ultra Jacket。
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Active Heating Series 全新全境溫控系列,冬季參見
還記得當時初登場的「冬季最強單品」Ultra Coat 全境溫控風雨衣嗎?那件極具功能性、實用性,打破穿越多越保暖的傳統思維,讓冬季穿搭不再因洋蔥式穿法而顯臃腫,實現一件抵多件的夢幻逸品。 時隔一年,由全新進化的 Ultra Coat 2.0 領銜主演,準備在 2023 年的冬季,攜手更全面的 TRANZEND 全境溫控全系列單品,帶來更強大的進化功能,上映服飾科技心血結晶的年末大戲。
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"The most powerful item in winter", one piece is worth multiple pieces, to overcome all weather!

Taiwan has a humid and cold climate in winter. When encountering cold air, the sensible temperature is even scarier. The indoor and outdoor temperatures often differ by more than ten degrees. Faced with such waves of cold air masses coming one after another, there are also the upcoming cold air masses. During Christmas and New Year’s Eve events, how can we dress warmly without looking bloated? How can we dress stylishly to overcome all weather conditions?

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