
TRANZEND 第一部 Vlog!幕後大公開
隨著品牌日漸成長,在影像製作的環節也越來越成熟、越來越得心應手,正因為如此,我們更積極想要跟大家分享我們在每個形象影片拍攝的背後,團隊是經歷了多少艱辛、歡笑,也藉著幕後花絮 Vlog 與各位分享團隊成員私底下不為人知的一面。
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Active Heating Series 全新全境溫控系列,冬季參見
還記得當時初登場的「冬季最強單品」Ultra Coat 全境溫控風雨衣嗎?那件極具功能性、實用性,打破穿越多越保暖的傳統思維,讓冬季穿搭不再因洋蔥式穿法而顯臃腫,實現一件抵多件的夢幻逸品。 時隔一年,由全新進化的 Ultra Coat 2.0 領銜主演,準備在 2023 年的冬季,攜手更全面的 TRANZEND 全境溫控全系列單品,帶來更強大的進化功能,上映服飾科技心血結晶的年末大戲。
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Ultra Coat functional fabric is revealed, is it the key?
In the last issue, I shared with you "the most powerful item in winter", how to keep out the cold while also having other functional features and maintaining a sense of fashion. That's right! This issue directly deciphers the most important core role of the "Ultra Coat Temperature Control Raincoat". How is its excellent functionality created? (Key role: The editor reminds that it is a plant, and You can see it almost every day in life)
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